Know your baby's hearing test results.

Like babies across the country, shortly after birth your baby will receive a routine test called the Newborn Hearing Screening (NHS). It's important for your baby's future, so make sure you get the results before leaving the hospital.

Happy Baby

Those cute little ears are a big deal.

Yes, they're adorable. But those tiny ears are also the doorways to the brain that open up new worlds of learning and growing for your little one. So here's everything you need to know about how the NHS works and why it matters.

baby asian girl

It's safe, quick, and gentle.

Don't worry. The NHS is easy, non-invasive, inexpensive, and totally safe for your baby. They can even be asleep when it's being done!

How the screening works.

Watch this video so you'll know what to expect for your baby's test. Spoiler alert: it stars adorable babies.

Why it's important.

About 3 of every 1,000 babies born in the U.S. have some level of hearing loss. And usually they are born to hearing parents. Because it's so important for brain development, the American Academy of Pediatrics considers hearing loss to be an urgent problem that needs to be addressed right away.

3 out of 1,000

babies born in the U.S. have some level of hearing loss making it one of the most common health conditions at birth.

3 stars
pro mom tip

As part of your birth plan, ask your healthcare practitioner to review the screening results with you in person.

Get a hearing test reminder.


From picking out cribs, car seats, and baby names, you've got a lot to do before your little one is born. So enter your email and we'll send a reminder for you to get your baby's hearing test results.

Follow up on your baby's test.

It's important that you know the results of the Newborn Hearing Screening, understand what they mean, and follow up for the sake of your baby's health and future.

happy baby

What to do if they fail.

Newborns can fail the hearing test for many reasons - from temporary conditions to more serious hearing loss issues. Either way, we can help you quickly take the right next steps.

See next steps

It's time for rescreening if…

Even if your baby passes their hearing screening, below are some reasons you may need to have your baby rescreened by a hearing professional. Remember, their early brain development depends on their ability to hear clearly and completely!

they were born prematurely or have additional medical needs

they have had several ear infections

they don't seem to respond to quiet sounds (or startle at loud sounds)

they're starting preschool and speech is difficult to understand

they fail to respond to their name or often seem to not pay attention

they ask you to repeat what you've said

they have illnesses or allergies that may affect hearing

they aren't meeting speech and language goals for their age

Tips to start building your baby's brain.

Created in partnership with BabyCenter, this toolkit includes helpful tips and suggestions to give your baby a great start.

Explore the Toolkit

Hearing First

This site is brought to you by Hearing First. We want all children born in the United States to benefit from the availability of newborn hearing screening and for parents to learn the status of their baby's hearing first. Parents will be empowered to know the results of the NHS and to follow-up quickly when needed so their children can reach their full potential.

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