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Learn more about Newborn Hearing Screening (NHS).

Because hearing is so essential to your baby's brain development, a NHS is required in most states. Hearing loss is more common than you might think and it's critical to address it right away. So learn what to expect - and how to follow up if your baby fails their screening.

Learn how hearing screening works

Tips to start building your baby's brain.

Created in partnership with BabyCenter, this toolkit includes helpful tips and suggestions to give your baby a great start.

Explore the Toolkit

Hearing First

This site is brought to you by Hearing First. We want all children born in the United States to benefit from the availability of newborn hearing screening and for parents to learn the status of their baby's hearing first. Parents will be empowered to know the results of the NHS and to follow-up quickly when needed so their children can reach their full potential.

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